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The NEW Seagull CM10

When I found out Seagull is making new cameras, I am excited.

The last time Seagull roll out a new camera was the DF5000, which was very similar to the Leica R8 and R9. However, the Crown of the Jewel was the Reg Flag-20, which was very similar to the Leica M3, which uses Russian copy lenses. Other infamous model was the Rollei copy, the Seagull 4A and 4B.

You can read about it all in the Seagull website: (Just use google translate).

Also, here is another website (in English), which will give you more background information:

Okay, I must say the CM10 is NOT a TLR, which was very sad for me. The other lens was a projector, which surprising the quality is not bad.

What I read was the CM10 has aperture from f1.4 to f2.3 with lens going from 24mm to 90mm (depending on the format you choose). It has 10 million pixel 1/1.7 CMOS sensor, wifi, remote etc.

On handling of the camera, it feels weird. The on/off switch is not too user friendly. You have to push into the on button and turn to put it on by one click and two click means it will be on projector mode. It has a kind of simple menu system and you can set the camera build-in filters using the side buttons but again, they can impove that too. I guess you have to spend sometime to learn about the setting first but in my real life shooting, I don't even brother.

Another disappointment was no RAW capability. Only Jpeg mode.

Also, the focusing is autofocus (WHAT? No way....,)

Although it can shot 4:3 format, I opt for the 1:1 format. Why? Because you will hold it in a very strange way if you want to shot in side way. It has two screens for viewing. One in the back and one on top. However, if you put the case on, you can only use the top. Anyway, this is the mode I intend to use anyway...

What I like in the build-in filter is the Black & White mode. Otherwise, I will shot in colour. Other filters are good but very Panny like (sounds familiar?).

Photo quality. I won't say it has great quality but after a while it was fun but not a very useful camera for street photography or any other photography except one can treat it as a very expensive toy camera but give you good decent photos.

I hope Seagull should invest more and make a proper TLR in medium format sensor and shot in RAW. The design although was popular in the 60s and 70s and right up to the 80s. However, with a TLR look but in true self, it is a digital camera. Hence, the price tag of RMB 8000 (USD 1310) would consider pricy I must say. However, for the nostalgic and rich, sure you can blow RMB8000 and have fun.

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